How to add a new customer?

Ayoub Amine

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

In Invoiless, a customer is an individual or business that you issue an invoice to, from the Customers page you can easily manage your customers, import/export, and track the income for each one.

1. Go to the Customers page.

2. Click on "Create", enter the following information, then click on "Create".

- Customer name.

- Customer email.

- Customer phone: This is a free text field, format as desired.

- Customer address.

- Legal info: e.g. Company number.

-Ā Ship To same as Bill To: Use the shipping address same as billing address by default.

šŸ’” If you have a lot of customers to add to Invoiless, use our import featureĀ šŸ’, to easily import your customer list from a CSV file.

Enjoy ā¤ļø

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