Keyboard shortcuts in Invoiless

Use keyboard shortcuts to save time ⚡️

Ayoub Amine

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Navigating the dashboard with keyboard shortcuts ⌨️

Available shortcuts:

➡️ General:

Create a new invoice: ⇧ + N

Toggle theme mode: ⇧ + M

Show/hide numbers: ⇧ + H

➡️ Sections:

Overview: ⇧ + O

Scopes: ⇧ + S

Invoices: ⇧ + V

Estimates: ⇧ + Q

Transactions: ⇧ + T

Products: ⇧ + P

Customers: ⇧ + C

Reports: ⇧ + R

Team: ⇧ + B

Integrations: ⇧ + G

Settings: ⇧ + X

➡️ Common shortcuts:

Add one: ⇧ + A

Import: ⇧ + I

Export: ⇧ + E

Filter: ⇧ + F

Focus search box: / (forward slash)

Enjoy ❤️

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